Monday, July 27, 2009

Smiley Girl

I finally caught some good pictures of Anya smiling. She smiles a ton now but when I take the camera out they all disappear.

Last week Anya was left with a few babysitters. First, on Thursday I dropped her off at a friends house so I could teach my first cycle class post baby. Admittedly it was a little hard to drop her off and leave, but she was a good girl and seemed happy to see me when I returned (if not only to eat!)

Her cousins came up from Tacoma to visit later that same day and Natalie wanted to hold her the whole time. She was very sweet.

My parents came home on Thursday evening and were reunited with their granddaughter who had grown by leaps and bounds while they were away. Their stay was short and sweet and they took very good care of her on Friday evening while Myles and I attended a wedding. This was our first time away from Anya for an extended period of time and it went very well for grandparents and parents.
On Saturday Anya had her first photo shoot. Phil Acuncius, the photographer who shot my maternity pictures, returned and shot Anya's "newborn" pictures. She was somewhat cooperative but again the smiles were elusive. I'm sure he took enough pictures to insure us some gems.
Sunday we all went down to Gig Harbor to stay by the water and visit with Oma and Opa among others. Anya met her cousin Chloe for the first time and they are going to be fast friends. I can envision them getting into a lot trouble together.
This week we are trying to beat the heat. A few afternoons on the sailboat are on call for sure. Anya spends most the day naked in a diaper trying to stay cool. We do have a portable air conditioner in our bedroom which helps at night immensely. Now if it weren't for a baby we could get some good sleep!

Her sleeping is going very well for a baby her age actually. She usually has one 4-5 hour stretch and a 3 hour one following. 6 am seems to be the time she likes to wake up no matter when she ate last- this can be a challenge.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Oh momma it's HOT!

Anya has spent the last week in a onesie- Well let me clarify that, we usually go through several onesies in a day but she hasn't worn any pants because the weather is so hot.
Both mom and baby have been getting out more. We started our PEPS group (a group of moms that have babies around the same age and live in the same city) three weeks ago. The group of moms is fabulous and having the weekly planned social outing and mommy "vent" period is much needed. Anya is the youngest baby so I get to listen and learn as the other moms proclaim what worked for them and express frustration in other areas. Every mom's experience is different and it is fun to share and learn about each individual baby. I would highly recommend this non-profit association to any new mom who wants to make friends and get out of the house. Next week I host the group at our home and it will be my first time entertaining since baby was born. All that is required are light snacks but it feels like a big deal nonetheless.

Last week I had my 6 month check up with the OB and all is well. He signed my disability waiver so I can now return to my cycle classes and teach. I am soooo looking forward to it. Anya will be taken care of by several wonderful volunteers twice a week for two months until she is old enough to go to childcare with me at the gym. I start back this Thursday-hurray!

Bob and Annette have been missing in action. They are up on their boat in the Gulf Islands and are travelling around entertaining guests aboard their boat for about two months. We have been Skyping to keep up so they can see Anya grow but the coverage in the islands isn't great.
They are coming home this weekend to watch Anya for us while Myles and I go to a wedding Friday night. This will be our first long time away from baby and I am looking forward to it and dreading it at the same time. How can I miss her so much after being out for only 2 hours? It baffles me, but when I return home I have to scoop her up and kiss and hug her until she protests.

Wow, lots to update today. Last week we went to Tacoma to visit some friends and made a surprise stop by Oma's work. She introduced Anya to all her coworkers and got to see some special smiles.

To beat the heat last weekend we went sailing on Friday and Sunday. Friday we were joined by Kelly Bratton (my really good friend that just recently moved back up here from CA) and it was a beautiful day. We were on the boat from 2-9 and Anya was a trouper. On Sunday Myles and I braved it on our own and we were able to sail and manage her just fine. Given our new found skills, we are tentatively planning an over night trip on the boat for Labor Day weekend.

It is nice having a new baby because I have a great excuse to see my friends more often. Last week we had a visitor or visited someone every single day!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A day of Sailing

Anya is officially "christened" as a sailor. She enjoyed her first sailing experience aboard the Tide Knot with Mom, Dad, Auntie Christel, and Boone. She spent the entire time down below strapped safely in her car seat while the others lounged above enjoying the sun and wind. There was just enough wind to make it a good sailing day without scaring Mom too much. Anya slept through most the trip, the rocking and jostling must be very relaxing.

We had an unexpected trip to the doctor this week. Anya had gotten a bad rash on her face over the 4th of July weekend and I thought it was either baby acne or heat rash. But when it spread to her chest by Thursday I decided it would be a good idea to have a doctor take a look just in case it was something more serious. Well, turns out it is just baby acne and we have been putting hydrocortisone cream on her face which has helped clear it up. She is looking much better and I feel better knowing what it is. I know, typical over reaction of a first time parent, but hey- I feel better and now we know how to treat it if it should flare up again.

Boone, Anya and Mom all went to Green lake this week to meet Kelly Adsero. It was a little stressful trying to manage the dog and the stroller but Kelly helped by taking Boone. After our jog around the park, we went to a great restaurant and Anya sat quietly in her car seat while we enjoyed our lunch. What a good baby!

Anya is now grinning and smiling regularly. If you speak to her in a high pitched silly voice she likes that best. Boone also thinks it is fun and wants to be a part of those conversations!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

First 4th of July

Another week older! Wow this is going so fast. Today we have reached the 5 week mark. I weighted Anya last week when she was one month old and she had gained 2 lbs since birth weighing in at 8 lbs 10 oz.
This past week Anya and I had our first night on our own without Myles. We went up to the Hood Canal cabin on Thursday afternoon and Myles met us on Friday. It was a fairly easy night but it did feel weird not having Myles there with us.
We had a great fourth of July weekend. The weather was extraordinary and Anya had a lot of babysitters so Myles and I could enjoy all the cabin had to offer. Anya slept well- even through the fireworks- and adapted well to life away from home.
She is starting to become more alert and smiles on purpose now, melting my heart every time she does. She already has Myles wrapped around her little finger.

On the way home from Hood Canal we stopped in Gig Harbor so Anya could meet her great grandfather and great grandmother (Grumps and Gee gee) and also visited with her Oma and Opa.