Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Frosty and Mahna Mahna

Yes I actually know how to spell Mahna Mahna. While entertaining Anya during her dinner two weeks ago I started singing and dancing the Muppet Mahna Mahna song. Since that episode we are responsible for one million of the nearly 2 million views of the Muppet version on You Tube. Frosty the snowman is another favorite and it is frequently requested. Don't worry we mainly just listen to the You Tube clip- (for those of you unaware screen time for kids under 2 is a major no-no!) Anya has since realized that if she says Mahna Mahna to almost anyone (her doctor, the check out guy at Safeway, etc.... ) they will start singing the ridiculous song much to her pleasure.

Christmas was glorious. We had a nice dinner at Kyra's for Myles's family Christmas- complete with a gift left on the front porch by Santa. After the kids got a hold of the confetti shredded paper Kyra's house was a winter wonderland. Anya thought the "snow throwing" was the most hilarious thing she had ever witnessed and sat in the middle of the floor in hysterics while the kids sprinkled her with "snow." In my prior blog I had mentioned a quiet Christmas eve- well plans changed and we had over 25 people to our house for cocktails and snacks instead. It was fun but exhausting.
We enjoyed a quiet week in between Christmas and New Years and Myles was home earlier in the day so Anya got to spend some much needed time with Daddy.

We had grand plans to go on my parent's boat for New Years, but the sub freezing temperatures made us reconsider and we had a slumber party at Harry's house instead. The kids had fun and went to bed by 7 so the adults had a fun and delightful evening as well.

We have a chatterbox on our hands. Anya has been an early "talker" and now her vocab is just exploding. It is fun to have her try new words- my favorite ones right now are hummus, cookie, monster, and the letter Q. It is so great to be able to understand her most the time and give her what she is requesting (within reason of course). She has come up with some interesting names for family members. Watch the video clip to hear them.