Friday, January 22, 2010

ER visit

We had some excitement last week. Anya had her first visit to the ER after eating mangoes and yogurt. She has had mangoes several times in the past so we still are not sure what triggered the reaction. Basically she was eating and got very cranky. She had pureed mangoes and some cut up fresh mangoes. After finishing that we decided to try some Yo baby yogurt. After the first spoonful she began violently vomiting and did not stop until ALL contents were out of her little tummy. This in itself was frightening because witnessing your baby puke is scary and you feel very helpless. After the initial incident subsided we noticed hives breaking out on her face and neck. At this point we decided it was time to pack her up, head toward the ER and call the doctor.

As a child I had a severe allergic reaction to a soft cooked egg and remained allergic to eggs for most of my childhood. I was concerned that Anya was having a similar reaction and I did not want her to go into anaphlaxsis (your mouth and throat swell making it impossible to breathe). Once we arrived near the hospital the doctor on call had called us back as we sat in the Whole Foods parking lot debating whether or not to actually go to the ER. At this point Anya's hives had subsided and she was babbling and breathing normal. The doctor listened to our explanation of the incident and advised us to go to the ER just to be sure her lunges were functioning fine and to ease our mind.

So into Overlake ER we go and have a great experience. We are in and out in one hour and of course Anya was perfectly fine with just a red rash left on her face. She was cooing and talking to all the nurses and doctors making us look like foolish first time parents rushing a perfectly healthy child to the ER. Had the doctor not instructed us to go into the ER we would have returned home and felt better, but since we had been basically told to go we felt we should obey.

We have avoided mangoes fearing this was the main cause of her reaction. Just to try again we gave Anya a very small amount of Yo baby this week during the day (when the doctors office is open) and with Benadryl on hand. She did not want to eat it which was the first sign for us that perhaps this was the perpetrator. She ate one or two very small bites, then smeared it on her hand and rubbed her face. About 5 minutes later everywhere the yogurt had come into contact with her skin she had red spots and a few hives. So obviously there is something in the yogurt that doesn't agree with her but the hives are mainly topical and don't seem to be anywhere else then where the yogurt has physically touched. We are baffled and will most likely see an allergist to determine whether she is indeed allergic to dairy (god we hope not!)

After the traumatic evening we spent a relaxing Saturday at Oma and Opa's in Gig Harbor. Later in the evening we celebrated Myles's 31st birthday with his parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers in law, nieces and nephew, and my folks. It was a great dinner and Anya had a blast with her cousins once again.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Crawling and da da da

As previously mentioned the crawling phase has begun. She is slow right now so I can look over at her every few moments and still feel that she is safe. As the weeks roll by however she is gaining speed. I have a feeling my life as I know it is soon to end.
She has been teething lately so crankiness has reared its evil head. It is as if my docile, beautiful daughter turns into a whining she-devil at the drop of a hat. I imagine it must be terribly painful to cut teeth but man does it set her off.
Eating is going well- she tries new things all the time and has yet to reject any type of food. I am introducing some spice and flavor this week. Today she had curry sweet potatoes and squash- sounds good huh! She LOVED it. I also pulverized Cheerios (grandpa's suggestion) and mix that with milk. It is a delectable dish to little Anya.
I have a lot video so I will post most of them. It is fun to see her in action now, crawling, playing and making noises.
She started saying da da da da last week which of course Myles takes full credit for. Ma ma ma is not coming yet but I'm sure she will be saying it soon. Da da da is said for anything though; me, the dog, Myles, the car, the ball, so she really isn't saying "daddy" yet (no body tell Myles!)

Naked time is fun time. Anytime she is cranky a simple way to put a smile on her face is to take her clothes off. She is, after all, a classy lady.
Not a whole bunch more to report, just wanted an excuse to post more pics and videos.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

7 month stats

The results are in:
Anya weighs a whopping 14 lbs 6 oz placing her in the 25% for weight
She is 26 inches long- 50% in height
Her head size is in the 55% - must be all those brains like her mom! :)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Crawling into 2010

It's official- she's crawling. Anya waited until the first day of the new year to crawl forward a few feet towards a toy. Like all things baby, this crawling started slowly, now only 4 days into it she is already speedy. Time to child proof- UGH! Things that are especially interesting and crawl worthy so far are: Anya's reflection in the mirror, Boone (much to his chagrin), bright toys that light up, toys that rattle, wooden spoons, Tupperware, mom's toes (I think a foot fetish is beginning), and of course the electric heater and cord in her room.

We have attempted to catch the crawling on video but she is being tricky and only crawls when the camera is turned off. Stay tuned for some action shots, I'm sure we will get some soon.

She also hit the 7 month mark on Jan 2nd. We have her "6" month check up today so I will be able to report her "scores" later. I am interested to see where she falls in the height/weight percentiles now.

Christmas was wonderful. She enjoyed the parties and can stay up fairly well as long as it is a social event. We are encouraging a later bedtime (around 7) and the parties helped. The presents were a hit but as expected the wrapping paper, tissue paper, and ribbon were much more entertaining at the time of unwrapping. We spent Christmas Eve at our home with both sets of grandparents and Anya's aunts, uncles and cousins. As an aside, I witnessed a funny interaction between cousin Chloe (3) and Anya. Anya coughed and Chloe politely reminded Anya she is supposed to cover her mouth when she coughs- hilarious! Hopefully Chloe will continue to educate Anya on the finer points of social etiquette as she grows.

Christmas day was spent at Grandma and Grandpa's with Uncle Scott and Aunt Natalie. Among the many gifts Anya received were books, shoes, clothes, and lots of toys that make LOTS of noise. I guess all those annoying loud toys I bought for Brayden, Kaitlyn and Chloe that I thought were funny at the time are coming back to bite me! As a family tradition at Christmas dinner we always have poppers and Anya wore her hat like a champ- one of the family.

New Years was spent with the Freemans and Bhatias. Lydia and Anya went to bed at 7, but Anya decided to wake up just in time for the celebration. So she toasted in the New Year with us and watched the fireworks explode off the Space Needle all in the comfort of her jammies!

2010 is going to bring so much adventure. I can't wait for Anya to begin walking, talking, running, and SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT. All of which I'm sure will occur during this next year.