Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Belle of the Ball


Here's to 2014 being full of love and less surprises!

The holidays came and went and our family had a wonderful time. Anya had two weeks off school (having her home went smoothly- thank god!) and Elin had two weeks off of therapies. We were able to relax and spend some quality time together. It seems like we spend a majority of our time in the car driving to and from preschool or other events for Anya and to all of Elin's appointments. So it was very nice to have a break from all the rushed exits.

Elin has added another therapy to her repertoire. She started OT this week. Basically the therapist and I just play with her and get her to use her hands in specific ways and play certain kinds of games to stimulate her cognitively and to improve her fine motor skills.

Elin had a major accomplishment over the holiday break. She was able to condition for the behavioral hearing test and we got some solid results. It was very exciting to see her "play the game" and turn her head when she heard the sound. We are going back in for more testing on Monday and (fingers crossed) if we get the rest of the results we might be able to move forward with making a decision about a cochlear implant. So far the tests have shown her to have good low frequency hearing aided and unaided (that means with her hearing aids on and off). The risk with a cochlear implant can be that the child loses their low frequency hearing. Why does there always have to be a down side? So depending on the results of her test we might have a difficult decision on our hands.

One more important note. Elin receives a majority of her services (therapies) through an organization on the Eastside called Kindering. We have had such a wonderful and positive experience with this organization I can't even begin to explain how much support we have needed and received from them. Kindering holds an annual Gala and auction and this year it is March 1st. Kindering approached me and asked if Elin and I could be featured in the "inspirational" video they show at the Gala. I was humbled by the request and of course agreed. They plan to tape an interview with me and a therapy session with Elin and connect our story with another Kindering graduate who is out in the workforce at the age of 21. The hardest part for me is going to be not to cry during the entire interview. Thankfully they do LOTS of editing so the sobs should be tempered a bit.

My parents have purchased a table and have invited 100 of their closest friends so they now have a dilemma on their hands since there are only 10 seats. If anyone else is interested in knowing more about the event just email or call me. I would be happy to point you in the right direction. Tickets are selling fast and they expect them to sell out within the next week or two. Here is the link if you want to know more.