Monday, March 2, 2015

So much good stuff

OMG- Elin is in full speed ahead mode. In the last few months she has started crawling on her hands and knees, pulling up to stand in her crib and elsewhere, and her first words are coming. It has been an incredible few months.

After her horrible seizure and hospitalization in November we have adjusted her medication. I believe this in itself has made a huge impact on our daughter. She was stoned on the amount of the Topamax she was on. When we introduced Depakote and started reducing the Topiramate magic started to happen. It is as if we are watching our daughter make up for lost months daily. She is absolutely astounding us and her team of therapists.

It is so wonderful to be able to report something positive and so encouraging. She is acting like a two year old- tantrums and all when she doesn't get what she wants. Generally she is her adorable, lovable, self but there is some sass and attitude stemming.

 Over the past two months Anya and Elin have grown quite close. It is very encouraging to see Elin get visibly excited to see her sister any time of day. Just the other day I was telling Elin we had to get ready to leave to go get sissy from gymnastics. She started saying, "aaaa" and I said yes, your sissy Anya. After me saying "Anya" several times Elin quieted for a brief a moment and said "Anya" clear as day. I was a blubbering idiot after that- it was better than hearing her say mama (which isn't too far behind I suspect).

Her level of understanding reaches WAY beyond her speech capabilities. She pretty much knows everything I am saying to her now. If I ask if she is hungry (and she is) she tells me by laughing and signing more. Same goes for tired, thirsty and many other things. She absolutely LOVES to swing. If I mention the word swing I better be prepared to take her outside and push her right then and there. We are trying to wean her from the binky but if that word is uttered she lets you know she wants one NOW!!!! She is listening to conversations and paying attention to what people say even if we are not speaking directly to her. Really- her progress is astonishing.

Physically she is getting stronger every week. Nicole (our PT) comes on Monday and she is always impressed by Elin's improvements. When she first saw her crawl on her hands and knees after Christmas break she was shocked. She told me she didn't think Elin would be crawling like that for several more months. The walker is going well- it isn't her favorite thing but I think as she continues to become more mobile she will begin to see the use for it.

When she first starting to stand in her crib we were thrilled. However a few days later, and several trips up the stairs to sit her back down again, we decided maybe it isn't all that fantastic. But man, the look on her face when we went in her room the first few times she did it by herself- she was so proud of herself; giggles and smiles for miles. It still makes me smile even though it is time to teach her how to sit down now! :)