Sunday, December 9, 2012

Oh Christmas Tree.......

It's that time of year again; Holicraze has begun.Thankfully having kids in the house during Christmas time brings back the little joys of Christmas I have forgotten as an adult. Watching Anya light up last year when she experienced Snowflake Lane for the first time was truly magical. She danced with Frosty and the Snow Princesses- it was bliss. We went again this year and she was very excited. She danced with her favorite characters again and we all enjoyed the show.
We have also visited Santa already. It went very well. I had prepped Anya with her answer for Santa. Not all went as planned with that part of the visit though. Instead of waiting for Santa to ask her what she wanted for Christmas Anya told him she wanted an Ariel watch the moment she sat on his lap. He looked  a little shocked at her forward request. She then proceeded to tell him that her mom and dad call him all the time. Nice. Now Santa thinks we are stellar parents. We have had several conversations with him when we are within earshot of Anya in hopes of correcting some behavior issues. So far it isn't working.
Since this post is focusing on Anya, let's talk about her as a big sister. SHE IS AMAZING! Granted Elin isn't moving yet so she isn't getting into Anya's stuff at all, I'm just enjoying this stage right now. Anya loves to get toys for Elin to look at and will sit and play with her to keep her from crying. She also distracts Elin in the car when she screams (she HATES the car) by singing songs to her.

4 month stat update

Elin had her four month appointment two weeks ago. She was happy and loved the doctor. She even giggled when he checked her heartbeat with his stethoscope. She is so ticklish. She avoided her vaccinations at her two month appointment because she had a cold. We had to go back in several weeks later to get them. For those of you with children who get them vaccinated you will be familiar with the Rotavirus vaccination that they administer orally. Since Elin is a puker she literally vomited the vaccination all over the nurse last time.

So this time we got to try again. Thankfully she kept it down and then was rewarded by having three separate jabs in her legs. Her face turned bright red and she cried so hard she didn't even make a sound. And then she turns her sad screaming face toward me and looks at me as if I betrayed her trust.  I swear having your child vaccinated is one of the worst things ever.  It only took a few minutes to calm her down and nursing helped get her mind reset.
Her stats from this appointment are weight 13 lbs 8 oz 55%, length 24 inches 45%, head 16 inches 50%, So we have an average baby even though her chunkiness may lead you to believe otherwise. She wore her hearing aids for the doctor and seems to be happiest when she has them on now. Everything else looked normal and she was given a check of approval for whatever babies need to accomplish by 4 months.
We celebrated Thanksgiving up at our Hood Canal cabin and spent four days up there. We stayed in the newly renovated "boat house". It is so nice to have our own space especially when Elin wakes up in the middle of the night. We all share a room out there and it actually went very well. Elin started sleeping though the night in fact. Hallelujah!  Since we've been home she has reverted to waking up once usually but has nights where she sleeps straight until 7am. I feel like a new woman when I get 6 to 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep.