Monday, June 10, 2013

All About Anya

This blog is primarily to document Elin's life. However, I believe I need to spend at least one entire post updating everyone about Anya.
She turned 4 this past week. Anya is a ray of sunshine and full of all sorts of energy. She is bright, empathetic, athletic, enthusiastic, and kind. She is a true Gemini in every sense. She can easily transition between pretend play as a princess to acting out scenes from the Lion King. She will run away from flies but cuddle slugs and caterpillars. Her attitude can be amazingly compliant or frustratingly contrary. One thing is for certain- she is having a childhood full of adventure and filled with love.
Nearly a year ago Anya became a big sister. In this new role she has impressed me more than in any other aspect of her life. She shares willingly with her sister and genuinely loves Elin with her whole heart. Elin lights up when Anya comes around to give her a hug or play with her. They will be so good for each other.
As we have struggled with some pretty scary scenarios in our house, Anya has bravely watched on and quietly entertained herself when we needed to focus all our attention on Elin. She befriends the firefighters and medics that come to our home and helps to lighten the somber mood on occasion. I am so proud of her.
She celebrated her fourth birthday up at the cabin in Hood Canal with her family. She also had a joint birthday party with her friend Charlie at Seattle Gymnastics Academy. It was a great birthday week.