Sunday, May 31, 2009

7 days past due

The wedding was fun, glad we could make it. I looked like shamu in a dress so I stuck to a skirt and shirt to flatter the belly as best possible. Spent today weeding in the yard in hopes of inducing labor. Any other tricks? I think I have tried them all! Here is a picture of me 1 day shy of 41 weeks- that's 10 months in case any one is counting. Myles doesn't even try to push his belly out anymore, he knows I win hands down-no contest.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Almost a week

We are rapidly approaching 1 week past due. I went in for my third and final session of acupuncture today. My body is definitely getting the message but it is up to Anya to press the matter into progress. I am going to a wedding tonight (which I had RSVP'ed NO to- assuming we would have a baby by now!) Perhaps she will decide to come at an inopportune moment during the ceremony causing me to run out of the church and hightail it to the hospital. You know you are getting desperate when embarrassing yourself in public is preferred over one more day of angst! What I plan to wear to the wedding is a whole 'nother can of worms!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Long walks DON'T work!

Yes, still here. When I woke up this morning I was feeling a bit different but that did not lead to any forward progress so far today. I can say that I am officially becoming more uncomfortable either due to my ever increasing size or the heat, or both!

My mom and I took an exceptionally long walk this morning hoping to coax little Anya out of her comfort zone but she stayed put.

Tomorrow I have an acupuncture appointment at 12 and hope to get things rocking and rolling a bit if possible.

Stayed tuned.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Ultrasound results

Myles and I went for the ultrasound this afternoon. Basically they were making sure she was healthy, had enough fluid around her, and didn't have anything wrong with the umbilical cord.
She was perfect! No problems, extremely healthy and VERY happy. All smiles and sticking her tongue out. She is simply too happy to leave and wants to stay in her warm home as long as possible. We got some good 4D pictures but our DVD doesn't have the stills so I can't show you- sorry you will have to wait for the real thing. The pictures still have her looking a bit like an alien though and I'm sure she will be much cuter in person.
She has chubby cheeks and according to our ultrasound Dr a "big butt". No surprises there! He also mentioned that she had very strong quads (which I'm sure in baby anatomy equals "chubby legs"). So we are expecting a healthy, slightly chubby baby girl.
Her estimated weight is 7- 7.25 lbs right now. We plan to give her some extra time to come out on her own. HOWEVER.... if she is not out by next Wednesday I will be induced at midnight that day. This gives her another full week- totaling about 10-11 days post due date to make her grand entrance. If her stubbornness persists, we will be evicting her.
She has a week to think about things..... hopefully she decides she wants to meet us as much as we want to meet her before that point.

Past due

Well, it is 3 days past Anya's due date at this point and still no baby. According to our doctor she is healthy and happy just not ready to come out yet. 40 weeks is an estimate after all (as if that is supposed to make me feel better!)
We have an ultrasound this afternoon and will update the blog again after we get the results. It will be exciting because we have not had any ultrasound since our 20 week check up to find our her sex and make sure she was developing well in the womb. We will have a better idea about how big she is and what she actually looks like now. I'm very excited to see her.
I had an acupuncture appointment yesterday to start "encouraging" her to make an exit. So far she isn't budging.........

Friday, May 22, 2009

upcoming due date

Well, we are two days away from the official due date. Myles and I are both getting very anxious to meet our new daughter. Hopefully the next blog entry will include pictures of her and all the important baby stats. Perhaps she will be unlike her parents and actually arrive on time! :)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Professional Preggo pics

Here are a couple of the amazing shots Phil Acuncius took of us. We are very impressed with his talent!