I finally caught some good pictures of Anya smiling. She smiles a ton now but when I take the camera out they all disappear.
Last week Anya was left with a few babysitters. First, on Thursday I dropped her off at a friends house so I coul
d teach my first cycle class post baby. Admittedly it was a little hard to drop her off and leave, but she was a good girl and seemed happy to see me when I returned (if not only to eat!)

On Saturday Anya had her first photo shoot. Phil Acuncius, the photographer who shot my maternity pictures, returned and shot Anya's "newborn" pictures. She

Sunday we all went down to Gig Harbor to stay by the water and visit with Oma and Opa among others. Anya met her cousin Chloe for the first time and they are going to be fast friends. I can envision them getting into a lot trouble together.
This week we are trying to beat the heat. A few afternoons on the sailboat are on call for sure. Anya spends most the day naked in a diaper trying to stay cool. We do have a portable air conditioner in our bedroom which helps at night immensely. Now if it weren't for a baby we could get some good sleep!
Her sleeping is going very well for a baby her age actually. She usually has one 4-5 h

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