Today Anya is 9 weeks old. These first two months have flown by (so has our summer!)
We went to the doctor today and she had her two month checkup complete with vaccinations. Watching her get poked and then her face turned bright red in pain was just about as much as I could stomach. That has got to be one of the toughest things to watch ever. She is on Tylenol tonight and is much fussier then our normal sweet baby. I guess this is a little taste of what life would be like if she was a cholicy or fussy baby normally. Usually when she cries there is a definite reason and Myles or I can easily take care to relieve the source of her frustration. Tonight it's just fussy cries- poor girl.
Here are her latest stats
weight 10 lbs 5 oz 48%
length 22 1/4 inches 50%
head 15 inches 45%
So yes, sadly she has fallen from 75% in length to 50%. Looks like she will be more in line with her Mom and Dad in the height department!
Developmentally she is doing very well. The Dr commented on her affinity for standing. YES she stands with assistance of course and has been doing this since she was a newborn. The Dr suggested we buy a jumper for her soon since she loves to stand erect so much. Her head control is very good now and she has almost rolled all the way over. She gets very close and is drooling and concentrating so hard it is only a matter of days before she gets all the way over. I'm not quite sure what she will do once she does finally flip though because she isn't that fond of tummy time. We shall see.......
Last week was HOT. We survived by trips to the mall and even hanging out at a friends house with AC on Wednesday. Breastfeeding in a 90 degree house is miserable for both mom and baby. We are VERY happy the cooler weather has returned.
I continued to teach my cycle class for two days last week and Diane Sweeney came to our house and watched Anya while I taught. It was so nice to have her around and Anya absolutely adores her. On Thursday we went out to lunch and Anya was being a little fussy in her carseat so we took her out and let her lounge on the booth bench. So funny!

This Friday Myles, Anya and I are leaving to meet my parents on the Rock N Roll ( boat) up at Anacortes. We will be travelling throughout the San Juans and possibly Gulf Islands next week. We are all very excited. I think the grandparents are just as excited to spend some time with their granddaughter- finally!
For our sailboat and our trip aboard my parents boat we purchased an infant life jacket for Anya. They fit babies from 0-30 lbs! So the pictures say it all- it is mammoth on her but it is worth it for the extra protection on board.

I have added a quick video just to see if it works. Nothing special but I will be taking more if this works.
It worked! What fun to see her in real time! Can't wait to see that special baby again...Diane