Anya has spent the last week in a onesie- Well let me clarify that, we usually go through several onesies in a day but she hasn't worn any pants because the weather is so hot.
Both mom and baby have been getting out more. We started our PEPS group (a group of moms that have babies around the same age and live in the same city) three weeks ago. The group of moms is fabulous and having the weekly planned social outing and mommy "vent" period is much needed. Anya is the youngest baby so I get to listen and learn as the other moms proclaim what worked for them and express frustration in other areas. Every mom's experience is different and it is fun to share and learn about each individual baby. I would highly recommend this non-profit association to any new mom who wants to make friends and get out of the house. Next week I host the group at our home and it will be my first time entertaining since baby was born. All that is required are light snacks but it feels like a big deal nonetheless.

Last week I had my 6 month check up with the OB and all is well. He signed my disability waiver so I can now return to my cycle classes and teach. I am soooo looking forward to it. Anya will be taken care of by several wonderful volunteers twice a week for two months until she is old enough to go to childcare with me at the gym. I start back this Thursday-hurray!
Bob and Annette have been missing in action. They are up on their boat in the Gulf Islands and are travelling around entertaining guests aboard their boat for about two months. We have been Skyping to keep up so they can see Anya grow but the coverage in the islands isn't great.
They a
Wow, lots to update today. Last week we went to Tacoma to visit some friends and made a surprise stop b

To beat the heat last weekend we went sailing on Friday and Sunday. Friday we were joined by Kelly Bratton (my really good friend that just recently moved back up here from CA) and it was a beautiful day. We were on the boat from 2-9 and Anya was a trouper. On Sunday Myles and I braved it on our own and we were able to sail and manage her just fine. Given o

It is nice having a new baby because I have a great excuse to see my friends more often. Last week we had a visitor or visited someone every single day!
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