We had a very successful Halloween. Anya announced she wanted to be a princess (go figure) so we picked her favorite one- Ariel- and made her a mermaid princess. Being 3 months old Elin had no say in her costume choice so of course I found an adorable Flounder costume and she wore it with little complaint. For those of you who don't know, Flounder is Ariel's best friend.
Our PEPS group still meets for a yearly Halloween party where all the kids dress up, some cry, and we drink wine and laugh. Now there are many more kids since some of the families are pregnant with their third children already. You can imagine the commotion when a large group of 3 year olds and all their younger siblings are forced to dress up and pose for a picture. We don't have one with all the kids in it but we have several good ones!
On the actual night of Halloween Anya and Elin dressed up once more and went trick or treating in Ahma and Bobpop's neighborhood. Anya's friend Charlie came with his parents and joined us.too. They had a great time and loved being out in the dark. It was definitely cool to be out walking around at night and the candy was just an added bonus.
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