Elin had her two month appointment this week but she is really 10 weeks old this week. We knew our little munchkin was gaining weight and getting a bit "chunky" and now her stats are in.
She weighs 11 lbs 6 oz which puts her in the 50%. Her height is 22 1/2 inches 30% and her head is in the 25%. She is growing well and is a healthy baby. She is developing a little bit of a flat spot on her head so we need to be conscious of turning her head the other way. Myles called it the "second kid flat spot". She isn't held as much as Anya was because we are so busy with guess who?
Anya started preschool last week and absolutely loves it. Besides lovely artwork she brought home a cold in the first week and shared it with Elin. Poor girl has been snorting ever since. I found out from our pediatrician that babies only breathe through their nose for the first 6 months so no wonder she is having so much trouble. Thankfully it is only a minor cold and Anya recovered from it quickly so we have our fingers crossed that Elin will do the same.
Despite Elin's prognosis of hearing loss it seems like she hears all sorts of things. I know that if she hadn't failed the hearing screen I would have no idea that she suffered from any sort of hearing loss. She responds to us when we talk to her and coos back in conversation. She turns her head towards us when we talk and reacts to certain sounds. However since we know she has some loss other things are more obvious. She never startles to any loud noise, she isn't upset by loud noises and our singing doesn't bother her (this last one is a joke....) We are anxious for November 13th when she gets her hearing aids to see how she reacts and to begin her path to catching up on the three + months she missed out on.

Sleeping- well that has been a challenge. We had one glorious night when she slept from 10pm to 6:45am. I was up several times checking to make sure she was breathing but she slept hard. Since then we have had good nights and really really bad nights. The worst was a few weeks ago when I was up with her from 1:30am until 5am- that sucked. She was having some sort of tummy discomfort and couldn't settle back to sleep ever. Myles and I were severely tired the next day. It is the cumulative sleep deprivation that really gets to me. One bad night isn't so bad but when we line up a few back to back I start to get loopy and can't function well. I still manage to make it through the days somehow but it takes all my mental capacity to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for Anya. The nice thing about having a second child is that I know this will end. I know I will sleep again- it may be a while- but somewhere, sometime there is light at the end of this tunnel. Until then I deal with it, take naps, and Myles helps on the weekends ALOT!

Alright enough about my sleep gripes- Elin gets carted around everyday to take Anya here and there. She is a trooper and spends her mornings in a carseat or a front carrier going to all Anya's multiple activities. Right now it is easy because she doesn't have a set schedule. I anticipate it to become more challenging when this running around affects her morning naps but I have a feeling her naps will just be in the car. Poor second kid- no nice cozy morning nap in her crib.
We have had gloriiuos weather this fall so we have all been able to spend extra time outside in the sunshine. Anya loves kissing and hugging her sister especially when Elin is happily kicking on the ground outside.
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