10 months! Where did the time go? Last year at this time I was having baby showers and eagerly anticipating the arrival of our daughter. What a difference a year makes.
If you follow this blog you might have noticed I'm not writing as often. This is a direct side effect of having such an active baby. When she is awake she is moving which means I am not sitting at the computer writing quips about how cute she is. In general the days of sitting are over. I am interacting with her, chasing her, catching her fall off the stairs, and trying to stimulate her little mind. She is learning so much right now. She imitates everything and is testing her environment and her mother.
Up to this point we have avoided using "NO" and try to say uh uh uh to keep her from doing something we deem dangerous or unsavory. Amazingly it has worked thus far. She doesn't touch the dog food or water simply because she knows it is off limits. Same with the wine rack, going down stairs, and decorative items. I'm not naive, I know this won't last, but at least for now I can allow her to crawl into the dining room and know she won't go straight for the wine bottles (unlike her mom).
She is really fun right now. She will gut laugh at the silliest things. Putting her hand in your mouth is apparently hilarious- don't know why. Peek-a-boo is a favorite game and any sort of singing interactive song is welcome;"Itsy Bitsy Spider" is a favorite as well as "If Your Happy and You Know it". She is also very ticklish so it is easy to elicit a giggle whenever she is getting her diaper changed or looks like she needs a few zerberts (SP)?

Anya is itty bitty herself. She is barely 16 pounds but man is she mighty! When she stands up she can roll on the top of her feet to her toes to the ball of her feet to get to her standing position- she has very flexible ankles I guess! She loves to climb up and over obstacles like the legs on chairs, or any raised surface that she can feasibly get over. She ends up high centered from time to time and occasionally does a face plant but she has nearly mastered this maneuver now.

Amazingly she is still sleeping through the night. She has nights when she sleeps from 7pm to 7am without a peep, and others where she makes a little noise but falls back asleep. It is incredible to get a full nights sleep. I am currently up at 6 am writing this while she is still asleep! (see section about me not being able to get anything done while she is awake if you are confused as to why on earth someone would wake up at 6am to update a blog.... )
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