We bought a car for Anya. I know this may seem a little premature but it isn't exactly what you think. We actually bought a bigger car for us- but in essence it is for Anya and her imaginary future siblings. It was difficult for both Myles and myself to sell the Subaru but it was necessary. We wanted to buy a new 2010 Subaru Outback but we decided to go big or go home. It's big for us- our Toyota Highlander- not a huge car in comparison to other SUV's or (god forbid) mini vans, but none the less we feel as if we are driving a semi around town.
We took the new car on it's first car trip this weekend to the Hood Canal cabin. We both admitted that it was fabulous to pack and VERY comfortable to drive. So we are happy with our purchase and will be contributing more moola to the oil companies!

We have spent a lot of time recently with friends and family. Anya had several playdates with Lydia when she and Kate were in town recently. We went and visited a new addition to our friend group- Mira Bhatia- a darling little girl born to Anna and Sachin. We spent the weekend at the cabin with Jeni and Scott. Thankfully they slept out in the extra house because Anya was up by 6:15am both Saturday and Sunday morning. When she gets up the house gets up... she doesn't have an inside voice, especially in the morning, but it is mainly sweet giggling and lots of babbling. As parents we think it is endearing even at 6am but to others not so much!

Brunch is a wonderful invention for parents. This meal allows you to get one good nap under the baby's belt and then head out for the day to enjoy some good eats. We have rediscovered brunch and enjoy it very much!

Anya is saying Dada regularly and still only says Mama when she is whining or wants something like milk/food. She is waving bye bye, claps on command, and uses baby signs for milk, more, all done and ittsy bitsy spider. If she is cranky and crying in the stroller or car I sing song after song and she quietly listens, but if I stop the crying will resume. We taught her to "cheers" with her sippy cup last weekend and she loves it. Her favorite thing to do though is laugh. She laughs to make you laugh and it is contagious. She smiles at everyone in the grocery store and will try to get their attention so she can grin at them. People love this- they come over and talk to her which is exactly what she wants. If they don't look her direction she will loudly say "ga" until they do. Needless to say we take snacks to the store to have something to put in her mouth since she can be a bit vocal and doesn't understand how to be quiet- nor should she!

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