Well, Anya had her first outing into the retail world yesterday. She went to three stores and was carted around in her car seat like a pro. Who knew they designed car seats to sit on shopping carts so easily!
She was admired by strangers which of course filled both her mom and dad with enormous pride.
Boone is sharing the backseat of the car with his 'little sister' without a complaint- (see picture)

Myles went back to work today and I survived the morning with the help of mom and even got to take a shower- now a luxury only a new mom could appreciate.
Our dear baby is STILL very good. Everyone keeps saying we are in the "honeymoon phase" or that all new babies are good for the first two weeks, but Myles and I are holding out hope that this is really her temperament more or less.

We are settling into parenthood and the days seem short while the nights stretch on for hours. I feel like I am breastfeeding ALL the time, mainly because I am.
Anya has had tons of visitors and enjoys everyone coming to see her. She behaves very well when they are here and saves all her more "unladylike" activities for when Myles or I hold her. Our refrigerator is ridiculous. I don't think we will have to cook for months; it is fabulous.
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