After Anya was born we had my parents take Boone (our dog) for a few days. It was easier to adjust to our new life with a new born without a dog around. We were anxious to have the two meet however. We brought Boone home on Saturday and he met his new "sister". We didn't have any reservations about his behavior and he proved to be just as good of a dog as we had hoped. He sniffed and licked her but sat quietly when asked. Now a few days into it, he follows her everywhere. If I have her upstairs feeding her, he is with us. If Myles has her downstairs on the couch, Boone is there. He even gets up with me in the night and comes into her room while I feed her, it is nice to have to company.
She is still doing amazingly well. We have to set an alarm to go off every three hours at night so I can feed her. This is discouraging knowing we have such a good sleeper, but the doctors and nurses assured me it was important to feed her that often when she is this young.
She was a little Jaundiced when we came home from the hospital, but since my milk has come in and she has been eating like a little pig (complete with grunting and squeaking) she has become rosy cheeked again.
She is sleeping a little less during the day and letting us stare into her beautiful blue eyes more often. Both Myles and I are smitten.
Myles heads back to work on Wednesday so we will all have a tough adjustment this week. He has been so hands on with her care that I am going to miss him most.
Thanks to family and friends our freezer and fridge is stocked with food so we are not going hungry.
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