In the ICU we had our own nurse that monitored Elin 24/7. She had her final and most frightening episode at 10pm. She was bagged for over 5 minutes and I was scared to death. I wasn't sure if she was going to pull out of this one. They gave her seizure medicine- first Ativan then Keppra and she came out of the seizure and started breathing on her own again.
At this point I don't think I could have handled seeing her go into another seizure especially since they were escalating each time. Thankfully we haven't seen another one since.
We stayed the night in the ICU- either Myles or I watching Elin (as well as the nurse) and the other catching 15 minutes sleep here and there. It was the worst night of my life.
By morning she was incident free and resting peacefully. Hopes of being released from the ICU were floating around the room. By 2pm we were being transferred downstairs to a monitored room shared by another seizing infant and her mother. Here we stayed for three more nights. Elin was watched carefully and her oxygen levels monitored 24/7. We were zombies trying to keep it all together. There was a constant flow of nurses, doctors, hospitalists, specialists and a few rare visits from our families to keep us busy. Honestly I don't even know what happened while we were there. We had to wait until Monday to have her MRI and then had to stay Tuesday night to speak to the neurology team about the results the next morning.
So what we know now is that Elin is epileptic and has partial agenesis of the corpus callosum. Part of it is formed in the front and back but she is missing a piece in the middle. This particular part of the brain takes over 2 weeks to form in utero (which is eternity for that process) and to have just the middle chunk missing is abnormal. Her myelin sheathing is delayed and they estimate it to be at about a 3-4 month olds development. This keeps growing as she gets older but the brain is fully developed so her missing corpus callosum is permanent Our neurologist has told us that some people can function totally normally with the entire piece missing, others never learn to walk. So we are prepared for anything in her future. We are trying to get more information to hopefully help us understand what caused her seizures and what we can anticipate for her future development. According to the neurologists, Elin is "writing her own book" so I guess in some ways she remains a bit of an enigma.
She is stable on Keppra and seems to be unfazed by the entire event. Ironically we noticed a huge leap in her motor skills in the hospital. We were skeptical of our perception of her skills however, thinking maybe we were reaching for a silver lining. Turns out she has made some major progress. We had her physical therapist out this week and I didn't mention anything to her about our observation of Elin's skills. After only spending 5 minutes with her she was amazed at how much Elin had changed in such a short period of time. I then shared with her our thoughts and by the end of the session, her assessment was that Elin had improved dramatically from just 2 weeks prior. The PT said it was unexplainable When we mentioned this to the neurologist she thought perhaps Elin had been having minor seizures all along delaying her development and now with the medication the seizures were being controlled. All I know is that it is one piece of good news that has come out of such a horrifying experience.
Where do we go from here? Well- we have a consultation set up with neuro-geneticists in two weeks to see if we can pin point some kind of syndrome. We will be testing chromosomes and genes to get a better picture of whether or not this has a genetic cause. We are living our lives as normally as possible. We call it our "new normal". Do we check to see if she is breathing all the time- yes. Are we on edge constantly- yes. BUT we have to trust the medicine is working and she will behave. It's a long road back to developing that trust again.
In the end, we love her more than ever and feel blessed to have such a vibrant, tenacious little person in our family. She WILL surprise us all.
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