Anya is a BUSY girl. Thankfully she is fairly good about entertaining herself but we have to watch her every minute because she tends to stand up and fall over a lot right now. She will be quietly sitting playing with her toys (Boone's gross dirty toys- but whatever) and then the next moment she is across the room pulling herself with Herculean strength up on the coffee table tottering around reaching for the remote control. She has stood on her own two feet without holding onto anything several times but we aren't close to walking yet. I think we have about another month or so.

Sleeping is always such a fun topic so lets discuss her latest escapades. She stands in her crib, flops herself down like a WWF wrestler and rolls with abandon. This maneuver can be done playfully or as part of a nasty tantrum depending on the day (or night). She has a tendency to reach over head and grab her mobile that seemingly should be out of reach but I have witnessed her standing straight up in the middle of her crib, arms overhead, swaying with the mobile. Time to remove it I guess. Probably one of the most hilarious things Myles and I have witnessed in relation to sleeping would be her "sleep crawling". Similar to sleep walking Anya can be spotted crawling banging her head repeatedly in the crib while fast asleep. We hear a bang followed by several more bangs and peek at our video camera monitor and see her sleep crawling. She makes a few snuffly noises but never cries and if she were awake she would let us know so we have deduced that she must be sleep crawling. Who knew babies did this sort of crazy stuff!
Naked time is a favorite activity and as long as we keep her on the hard wood floors clean up is easy! There really is nothing cuter then a butt naked baby, buns in the air, crawling around the house.
With the nice warmer weather the past few days we have taken Anya outside to explore a little more. She loves having her bare feet in the grass and playing with the lawn and leaves in her fingers. Inevitably though grass, leaves and dirt all end up in her mouth (maybe she will be a vegetarian after all!!!!) LOL

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