After our little "run in" with Yo Baby we thought it would be wise to visit an allergist to determine if little miss Anya is in fact allergic to dairy. Today was the day and the verdict is in.....
The allergist spoke to me about past food allergies for Myles and me (Myles was allergic to milk as a child, I was allergic to eggs) and then we tested Anya for dairy, eggs, salmon, and peanut. The last two were simply because we eat a lot of fish in our home and both are common allergens. She tested positive to the first two- dairy and eggs.
Thankfully the allergist believes that since she has had both eggs and milk in baked goods (pancakes, waffles, bread etc) we should continue to keep those sorts of things in her diet. So no, we will not have to scour every food label to make sure milk and egg didn't touch the food. This in itself will make life easier. It would be especially hard going out to eat when she is of age to eat in restaurants and try to determine what foods she can have without and milk or egg in it. At this point we have side stepped that hurdle- fingers crossed please.
Also good news, I don't have to change my diet. I am still breastfeeding Anya and have drastically limited my dairy intake after discovering her allergy on our own. Since she doesn't really have any horrible side effects that we know of from me eating/drinking dairy the allergist thinks it would be best to keep this in her diet as well.

On a completely separate note, another mom (someone I met in my PEPS group) and I are trading child care. I take care of her son Harry (he is about 3 weeks older than Anya) and she takes Anya from time to time. We are trading off for a few hours 1-2 days per week. She is going back to work on a sub basis and I can get some work done from home or make appointments out without having to worry about Anya interrupting. It is ideal and great for the kids. I had Harry on Monday this week and Belinda is taking Anya on Friday. They really do like each other and it is fun to watch them interact.
Don't tell Belinda but I think I have it easier. Harry doesn't crawl yet so he is sooo much easier to watch than Anya- she is in for it on Friday! :) Soon en0ugh they will both be mobile though and the situation will become more challenging and more fun!
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