It's official- she's crawling. Anya waited until the first day of the new year to crawl forward a few feet towards a toy. Like all things baby, this crawling started slowly, now only 4 days into it she is already speedy. Time to child proof- UGH! Things that are especially interesting and crawl worthy so far are: Anya's reflection in the mirror, Boone (much to his chagrin), bright toys that light up, toys that rattle, wooden spoons, Tupperware, mom's toes (I think a foot fetish is beginning), and of course the electric heater and cord in her room.
We have attempted to catch the crawling on video but she is being tricky and only crawls when the camera is turned off. Stay tuned for some action shots, I'm sure we will get some soon.
She also hit the 7 month mark on Jan 2nd. We have her "6" month check up today so I will be able to report her "scores" later. I am interested to see where she falls in the height/weight percentiles now.
Christmas was wonderful. She enjoyed the par

New Years was spent with the Freemans and Bhatias. Lydia and Anya went to bed at 7, but Anya decided to wake up just in time for the celebration. So she toasted in the New Year with us and watched the fireworks explode off the Space Needle all in the comfort of her jammies!
2010 is going to bring so much adventure. I can't wait for Anya to begin walking, talking, running, and SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT. All of which I'm sure will occur during this next year.
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