Wow, we have had a lot transpire since the last blog entry. We have been swimming 3 times now with several moms and have a blast. Anya starts kicking her legs as we enter the pool area, she is ready to go.

If you can't tell, Anya is a dalmatian.

We had her four month appointment yesterday. She is 12 lbs 12 oz and 23 3/4 inches tall. She is in the 25% in weight and 45% in height. I had Myles go this time for moral support more for me than her because she HATED her shots last time. Sure enough she put on her tough face and didn't even wince when they jabbed her. Not a single tear, she is a tough little girl.
We gave Anya her first bit of rice cereal tonight. Needless to say most of it came right back out again but the process was fun and messy. This eating thing is going to be quite a process!

Sleeping has mellowed out a bit. She is returning to her once nightly wake up between 12-2am and then sleeps until 6 or 7 am. We started putting her to bed a lot earlier, around 6:30 or 7 pm and that has seemed to help. She is getting a solid 11-12 hours at night.
She is definitely teething! The doctor took a look and said he could see the swollen spots where her teeth are getting ready to cut through.
Oma came up this weekend and babysat for us Saturday night. Anya was an angel for her and ended up drinking more milk from the bottle then she ever had before. Oma must have the magic touch with bottle feeding her!

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