Anya turned 8 in June. This is incredible. She is such a big kid now, relatively speaking. She is majorly into Harry Potter and had a Harry Potter themed birthday party. It was an enormous success and thanks to help from both sets of grandparents we pulled it off.
Elin is turning 5 in two weeks. This is hard for me to believe. So much has happened in her first 5 years and our family has had to change and adapt to a new set of rules and expectations. I can say for certain we are all better human beings because Elin has taught us so many things about being human. Empathy, sympathy, despair, grief, pure joy, and unconditional love. Thank you Elin, for giving us so much!
Our summer plans include trips to the cabin and Gig Harbor to play at the beach, lots of time in our backyard playing with friends, and we rented a sailboat for a week up in the San Juans. Anya has swim lessons, a week at Oma's and Miracle Ranch, Camp Sambica and horsemanship camp at Kelsey Creek Farm. We will be busy having fun and enjoying the summer we so definitely deserve here in Seattle.
Myles and I have joined forces and are teaming up to help clients eat, feel and move better. I recently got my nutrition certification and am trying to desperately to get some time away from kids so I can work a little. It's nice to have some adult time every once in a while and also to feel like you can contribute to the family in other ways then just feeding and dressing everyone.
Check out our new website! Arete Athletics