We spent a majority of our time in the Canadian Gulf Islands. We visited some of our favorite harbors and enjoyed some new spots as well. We spent time are Rosario where we were married 13 years ago... yes 13 years. HOLY COW! How did that happen?
We did have one night with high winds on anchor and no sleep but generally we felt very comfortable on our chartered 34 foot sailboat. It worked great and since we were used to a 27 foot vessel prior to this 34 feet felt like a luxury yacht.... well not really but it was spacious.
We had grand plans of Elin and Anya sleeping together in the V-berth up front and us in the rear cabin. Elin is just too dang loud! She likes to wake up at 4:30 am and she would like to play, eat and generally have everyone awake in the harbor to play with her. This was not fun but we were able to get her to fall back to sleep most mornings by bringing her into our berth and having her sleep on Myles's chest. (Secretly Myles loved every minute of this BTW!).
We all survived and even left wanting more so we shall attempt another crazy trip next year if circumstances allow.
After returning from our trip in early August the rest of the summer whizzed by. Many weekends up at the cabin or in Gig Harbor and then school started.
Anya started second grade at Hazelwood Elementary and Elin is her third and final year at her integrated preschool class at Meadow Crest. Both girls are happy to be back at school and I'm pleased to have a routine again.
Other exciting news! Elin has started to ride the bus to school. It comes to our house and picks her up and drops her off. She rides on board strapped into her adaptive stroller and locked into tie downs in the buses rear. She has a para-educator- Mady- on board to watch for seizures and generally keep her safe as she rides to and from school. It is really an amazing thing to see her take off in the bus from our house. She is getting to be such a big girl.
Also- we are throwing an auction/dance and fundraiser in Elin's honor on October 21st. If you don't know about it and want more info please contact me.