We have always wanted Elin to be a part of the "hearing" community as much as possible and it looks as if a cochlear implant in her right ear will assist with that goal. Is it risky- not really. Can she loose what ever residual hearing she might have in the right ear- it's possible. But Dr Norton assured us that they have been implanting babies and toddlers with less severe hearing loss (meaning not totally deaf) and have had amazing results. So we are all in.
In other news, Elin is still seizure free since July 4th. We are actually feeling like a "normal" family and have been able to let our guard down a little (something we all desperately needed). So now is the perfect time to go to Hawaii! We have been able to reduce Elin's medication by quite a bit which has helped her blossom. She sparkles now! It's is so wonderful to hear her laugh and play games with us. It has been an amazing few months.
We have had some feeding therapy too because Elin still will not feed herself. She has no interest in picking up food on her tray and putting it her mouth- so that is a work in progress. She does however have an affinity for my green smoothies (kale, apple, berries, spinach- etc) which is surprising since they aren't exactly the tastiest things ever. Go figure- at least she gets her vitamins and minerals that way.