Friday, September 10, 2010

Walks, talks, and eats

Anya is thriving. She talks incessantly, walks proficiently, and eats like a horse, but according to the height/weight charts the doctors use she isn't even on it for her weight category. We had her 15 month check up today and she was hilarious in the doctors office. Hamming it up and entertaining both the doctor and the nurse. So much so, the doctor informed me that she was unusual for most kids her age (in a good way). Her lack of fear of strangers could pose a problem in large crowds but generally she is willing to go to just about anyone and lay a fat juicy kiss on them with very little prompting. Poor Harry, her partner in crime that spends so much time with her, is generally the recipient of Anya's affection. In true boy style, he will often push her off, or shove her away when she becomes too amorous for his liking. This escape maneuver doesn't phase her, she just catches him when he least expects it next time.

So her stats at the doctor today were 18 lbs 2 oz (below 0%- if there is such a thing), 29 inches tall (10%), and 18 inches (50%) for her head circumference. She is a sprite as our pediatrician phrased it.

This age is so much fun. She loves to make others laugh- and at her is perfectly acceptable. She sleeps well, eats well, and is generally a joy to be around. Of course, like any toddler she has her moments, but 90% of the time she is actually pleasant company.

BOOKS!!! She loves to read (look at books) and be read too. She will sit on your lap for as long as you are willing to sit there and read to her, never getting bored as long as you switch up the reading material. In fact the other day, I caught her sitting crossed legged on the floor thumbing through a Reader's Digest- it was a classic moment.

TALKS!!!!! OMG- the girl NEVER shuts up. In the car it is like a babbling brook in the seat behind me. She loves her hand me down cell phone and has long conversations with whomever she imagines might be on the other line (usually if you ask her it is Dada). The doctor asked me how many words she said and I couldn't tell him because there are so many.... here are a few-
Mama, Dada, Oma, quack quack, all done, banana, avocado, cracker, car, ball, book.......etc. She is beginning to say Tess (Scott and Natalie's dog) and even said Tess when I pointed to a picture of my brother. So, sorry Scott, but for now you will be referred to as your dog's name not your own.

In two weeks we head back east to North Carolina for a beach vacation on the Outer Banks with our Aunt (Dad's sister), Uncle, cousins, and second cousins. There will be 12 adults and three kids in an 8 bedroom beach house with a pool, media room, hot tub, game room, etc. Sure to be an awesome time and we are all looking forward to it. We just have to make it through the plane ride........