Saturday, July 17, 2010

Terror on the loose

Something wonderful happened but now our lives as we know are over. She started walking, well really I should say running. As soon as she figured out how to do it she kept at it running around the yard. We had to block her from falling into the bushes, the deck, the cement sport court, and the sharp rose trunks. It was exhilarating to see her start walking but our smiles quickly turned to concerned scowls as we realized how dangerous she had become. Flailing herself any which way with crazy abandon isn't the best way to walk but apparently it is how she plans to learn. I now fully understand why parents gate stairways. While crawling she will stop herself and turn around to go down the stairs. However when she walks she would run right of the top landing without a second thought. I'm sure over time she will gain more control but right now it is just hilarious and frightening to watch her.

She got her feet measured at Stride Right yesterday and wears a measly 3. They don't even make kids walking shoes until size 4, so she is wearing "prewalkers" but whatever, I'm sure they work the same. She has also gotten a mouth full of teeth. She had three top teeth all come through in one week.

Her favorite thing to do is play outside. She has her splash pad and water table for the days when it is hot enough to get wet. She enjoys walking around the yard smelling the flowers and occasionally ripping the blooms off the plants. She digs in the dirt and throws it over her shoulders. I never realized how many airplanes fly over our house but Anya is an eagle eye at hearing and then spying all the planes overhead. She is really ticklish and her laugh is contagious. Of course I laugh at just about anything so I'm not a tough critic in the laugh department.

Her sign language is really coming along. She signs for milk, drink, bath, eat, please, thank you, and more. If you ask her to blow a kiss, she will put her hand to her mouth and make a clicking noise that resembles the sound adults make when you blow a kiss. She understands almost anything you say to her and uses a few words but we still aren't sure what she is saying all the time. She also gives "loves". She will hug and love stuffed animals and people without provocation. It is very sweet when she hugs and pats the stuffed animals and just adorable when she crawls over to me and decides I need a hug too. Those are some of the moments that make being a mom amazing.

Eating is important to our little imp. She LOVES to eat and she eats a ton of food. While shopping at Nordstrom yesterday she ate an entire banana within 2 minutes. This was one of many snacks in between her large meals. She must have her father's metabolism because I really don't know where all the food goes.She and Harry know each other now and really like to "parallel play". It is fun to see the two of them together; Harry steals anything Anya has- a toy, her water, a rock- doesn't matter, if she has it he wants it. Fortunately Anya easily parts with the objects and Harry is only amused by his new find until Anya picks something else up.